Conférence "Intelligence in Business and Industry"


Appel de Communication

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an accelerator of digital transformation and one of its pillars. Every day, new discoveries emerge showcasing how AI revolutionizes the work of companies that aim to increase their economic rentability through intelligent decision-making. The statistics on this subject are striking and this emergence deserves our further consideration.

The University of Tunis is organizing the Intelligence in Business and Industry conference aiming to break down the barriers between the academic world (universities, research laboratories, etc.) and the professional world (organizations, companies, startups, etc.). This initiative aims to encourage collaboration between the two domains creating a platform conducive to the convergence of expertise.

In this context, a call for communications is launched to promote exchange of ideas around AI projects developed in companies, particularly within research and development (R&D) departments, Tunisian universities and startups.

Communication topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Industry 4.0
  • Quality Control
  • Education
  • Health
  • Marketing
  • Transport and Logistics
  • Renewable Energy
  • Agriculture
  • Management
  • Etc.

Submission Instructions:
We accept submissions in both French and English in two different formats: Detailed abstracts (maximum of 2 pages). Posters.

Submission Deadline is 25 December 2023

Extended to 15th January, 2024

Communications must be submitted in PDF format, through the following form:

For any information feel free to contact us on

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