Haddad Maroua

Machine learning
Possibility theory
Possibilistic and probabilistic graphical models
Imprecise datasets
Programmation 1:
Algorithmique et programmation en C, Licence Fondamentale en Informatique de Gestion à Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, depuis 2014
Programmation 2:
Algorithmiques et Structure de Données en C, Licence Fondamentale en Informatique de Gestion à Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, depuis 2014
Apprentissage Automatique:
Logiciels d'apprentissage et applications, Mastère Extraction des Connaissances à partir des Données, Ecole Polytechnique de Nantes, depuis 2015
Learning possibilistic graphical models from data
Directeurs:Pr. Nahla Ben Amor
, Pr. Philippe Leray
Année soutenance: Thèse de doctorat en cours
Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis
Learning possibilistic networks from possibilistic datasets
Directeurs:Pr. Nahla Ben Amor
Année soutenance: 2012
Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis
Revues internationales
Maroua Haddad
, Philippe Leray
, Nahla Ben Amor
Apprentissage des réseaux possibilistes à partir de données,
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 29(2): 229-252 , 2015 [BibTeX...]
title={Apprentissage des r{\'e}seaux possibilistes {\`a} partir de donn{\'e}es},
author={Haddad, Maroua and Ben Amor, Nahla and Leray, Philippe},
journal={Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle},
Conférences Internationales avec comité de lecture et actes
Maroua Haddad
, Philippe Leray
, Nahla Ben Amor
learning possibilistic networks from data : a survey,
16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) and the 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT) , 2015 [BibTeX...]
author = {Maroua Haddad and Philippe Leray and Nahla Ben Amor},
title = {learning possibilistic networks from data : a survey},
booktitle = {16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) and the 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT)},
pages = {194--201}
Maroua Haddad
, Philippe Leray
, Nahla Ben Amor
Evaluating Product-Based Possibilistic Networks Learning Algorithms,
ECSQARU 2015: 312-321 , 2015 [BibTeX...]
author = {Maroua Haddad and Philippe Leray and Nahla Ben Amor},
title = {Evaluating Product-Based Possibilistic Networks Learning Algorithms},
booktitle = {Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty},
pages = {312--321},
Maroua Haddad
, Nahla Ben Amor
, Philippe Leray
Imputation of Possibilistic Data for Structural Learning of Directed Acyclic Graphs,
WILF 2013: 68-76 , 2013 [BibTeX...]
title={Imputation of Possibilistic Data for Structural Learning of Directed Acyclic Graphs},
author={Haddad, Maroua and Ben Amor, Nahla and Leray, Philippe},
booktitle={Fuzzy Logic and Applications},