CHAIEB Marouene

Combinatorial Optimization Problems;
Supply chain management;
Operational Research;
Decision support systems;
Artificial Intelligence.
du 07/10/2012 a aujourd hui
Universite de Salmen Ibn AbdelAzizAl Kharej, Arabie Saoudite.
01/02/2012 - 30/07/2012
Institut Superieur de Gestion de Tunis
01/10/2010- 31/10/2011
Bayer Health Care- Les bergrs du Lac
Stagiaire a Bayer Health Care
Bayer Health Care - Les berges du Lac
Tache: Conception et implementation d une application de gestion des commandes
Stagiaire a Tunisie Tradenet
Tache: Conception et implementation d une application d achat en ligne
Stagiaire au Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie (BIAT)
Tache: la conception et l implementation d une application de gestion d integration des modeules de l SAP aux besoin de la banque.
Stagiaire a International Bio Services
Tache: la conception et l implementation d une application de gestion des materiels informatique.
Stagiaire a International Form
Tache: la conception et l implementation d une application de gestion de conge avec la notion du work flow
Assistant a l ISG
Assistant a l Universite de Selmen Ibn AbdelAziz
Data Base
Computer architecture
Software Engineering
Operation Systems
Chef de departement des statistiques et des analyses de l universite de Sattam Ibn AbdelAziz
A generic hierarchical problems solving algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems: the home care scheduling problem by example
Directeurs:Khaled Mellouli (ISG, Tunis)
, Jaber Jemai (ISI, Tunis)
Année soutenance: Théses de doctorat en cours.
ISG de Tunis
The home care scheduling problem: a modeling and solving issue
Directeurs:Khaled Mellouli (ISG, Tunis)
, Jaber Jemai (ISI, Tunis)
Année soutenance: 2011/2012
ISG de Tunis
Conférences Internationales avec comité de lecture et actes
Marouene CHAIEB
, Jaber JEMAI
, Khaled Mellouli
A hierarchical modeling and solving approach for the Home Health Care Scheduling Problem,
, 2016 [BibTeX...]
The Home Health Care Scheduling Problem (HCSP) is an optimization problem representing an emerging approach for delivering health care services. Home health care consists of assigning a set of caregivers or nurses to provide health service to patients at their home. Nowadays, such kind of services are highly requested due to the increasing of number of elderly peoples who need to be treated at their homes. Moreover, the HCSP solution will lead to decrease the usage of hospital facilities and the may be used to accommodate more critical cases. Additionally, some patients need long life treatment that should be provided periodically by skilled personnel without a need to go to hospitals.
The HCSP was extensively studied and a variety of approaches were proposed for modeling and solving [1]. In this paper, we present a new approach to solve the HCSP. We propose a hierarchical model of the home health care scheduling problem that consists of dividing the problem into a set of interconnected sub problems easier to solve. The obtained model is a result of the application of the Hierarchical Modeling Approach proposed in [2]. The HCSP hierarchical model will be solved using different algorithms to solve each sub problem at each level respecting the type of inter-connection between them. In the next sections, we detail the proposed approaches for modelling and solving the HCSP.